Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Holding on....

Why is it that i suddenly start realizing how much i miss someone when that person is ready to pack his bag & leave for a new place? Or is it really how it seems? Maybe its how much i'll miss that person in the future. Who am i tryin to fool here?

All this while there was no real effort to stay in touch. But the whole idea that the person is just a few miles away is reassuring in itself. Not anymore... Apprehension has popped its ugly face. How, or more importantly, when will i get to meet that person again? There are suddenly so many thoughts that are running through my blank mind. I hate this state of perplexity.

" It wasn't really sad, the way we said goodbye
Maybe it just hurt so bad, she couldn't cry
He packed his things, walked out the door & drove away....
& she became the girl from yesterday!

He took a plane across the sea to some foreign land
She stayed at home & tried so hard, to understand
How someone who had been so close, could be so far away
& she became the girl from yesterday!

The light's on in the window, she's waiting by the phone
Talkin' to a memory, that's never comin' home
She dreams of his returning & the things that he might say
But she'll always be, the girl from yesterday! "

- Eagles : The girl from yesterday

Everything seems hazy. Solitude is my companion.

The bottom line still remains.....
What am i holding on to?


Vishal said...

bro...al i can say is that i can feel what u r goin thru if what m thinkin is right...

pondering over ur last line..."everything is hazy" ...anu, u have people around u who can guide u in this haze...

"solitude is my companion" ...coz thats the way u want it 2 b...not others who r more than willing to b ur companions...

"what i am holding on to" ... u r holding on to HOPE...n thats the best thing in life...more importantly, there are a certain breed of people called FRIENDS who shall hold on to u even if u dont hold on to them...so open ur eyes u dumb a** n jus look around u there r so many people whom u can trust, rely, confess n what not...n if the list of people seems to come to an end...dont forget this 5'5" , 75 kg creature called bunnu...ull find me just when u need me, whereever u need me...

Anu said...

hey dude!
tx a lot for pledging ur support. The mere fact that i'm surrounded by a lotta people doesnt mean that i've got company. I can still find solitude in a crowd. never mind....
Too much philosophy!

Clueless said...

heyy...I love that song!

and I wouldnt disagree with the 'holding on to hope' and I add one more 'faith'...

too much philosophy again...!

Anu said...

Hope & Faith : Friends for life

At times tho', its really hard. Creepy thoughts start pouring in when u start doubting your faith. Its not like u just start doubting it without reason...its substantiated by the fact that nuthin' seems to be headed the right way.

Guess i continue to hold on...to Hope n Faith.

Tx guys

Rejoy Rajan said...

Hey, i remember when my neigbhour and best friend shifted, it was a very sad and lonely experience for few months following this.
I guess lifes like that, you realise what you have only when you lose it

Aarti Ramanan said...

That's such a masterpiece.

And such situations keep recurring. The person you might least expect would suddenly go miles away...

Its happened with me too and thus I've learnt to hang out with and spend quality time with as many people as I know lest we depart...

Its but natural. Come out of your cocoon and see beyond solitude. YOU are to choose and judge your true companions... Plan out ways of getting together rather than repent later.

Nice to see, you write your heart out... Very few can do that...