Wednesday, March 21, 2007

eXtend 07

My debut on stage as far as being a host for an event goes! eXtend 07 was an eBiz summit that was organized by our class. I was asked to be one of the people on stage to introduce the speakers. During the auditions, i was asked to "de-accentize" myself (whatever that means!!!). I wasn't 2 sure i'd b able to do that (not that i wanted to anyway...) ; not while i've spent the past 2 years of my life speaking like that.

The summit was a forum for corporate leaders to discuss the future of eBiz & the challenges faced by companies in this respect. Stood at the podium, shaky knees & shivering hands. My voice cracked....thought i'd lost it. But i managed to get away with a few mistakes.

Thought i'd mastered the art when i found myself at the podium for the next round of panel discussion. Altho' the knees were rooted & the hands felt like they've been there, done that, my brain wasnt ready yet to come to terms with this situation. Blunder seems such a soft word. Disaster would probably fit the bill. Whats worse is that there aren't many critics around who'd give you a piece of their true mind. I dont want people to tell my "Hey, we dint even notice it!" Now that's CSR. I hope people stop being politically correct.


Unknown said...

Well, i was "the other guy" who shared the stage with the man in question. Though i admit it was'nt the most phenomenal he has spoken, it was surely far from a disaster. Maybe it was just a case of not surpassing the high standards he has set everytime he graces the podium!

Clueless said...

shaky knees, and a few mistakes for a first timer, on the stage. I'd say a job well done.

For me those signs would mean I have improved.


Anu said...

hey shrutika!
Tx a lot. somehow i cant take things in a positive way like u do. i know thats not the right thing but this thought of yours opens up a whole new perspective.

Namita said...

I dont want people to tell my "Hey, we dint even notice it!"

really I didnt... ;)