Sunday, May 20, 2007

Freaky Ordeal

This part of my life is called "waiting in anxiousness". 1st year's done. Supposed to be doin a 2 month summer internship. Only that i havnt found any project yet. How good or bad can that be?

Well...enjoying a break...a much welcome one at that. But the break is getting onto me now. Cant wait to get in there & start with somethin'.

Whats more harrowing is that i'm the only 1 left in class. And that's no great feelin'. How did i end up like this? This wasnt really the path i'd forseen. Sometimes i wonder...was i being too choosy about the projects that came to college in the early days? Maybe so...but i didn't see any harm then n i dont see any harm now. I was clear even before i'd joined college that i wanted to take up finance as my specialization. Now that was a conscious decision. Just not able to figure out what went wrong.

Been on the lookout for over a month now. Came home for a week to meet a few people here for the same. Nuthin has materialized yet. So what do i do...i enjoy my time with my friends. Got cousins visiting, catching up with good old friends. People would actually think i'm on a holiday. But heck they wouldnt know the ordeal that i'm goin thru. It's freakin' me out. Spoke to a lotta people of repute. But as Murphy puts it, "..if something can go wrong, it will." So here i am...stuck in the worst lean patch of my life.

A few of my friends are there who keep me goin'. Coupla them are just as bothered as i am. It's all about hangin' in there. About not getting mind f***ed.

This part of my life is called ...


Unknown said...

I had really no intention of commenting on a grave situation such as this and i'm not really a blogger too so the odds, i would say, were really stacked against this reply. Nonetheless here it is.

Everyone goes through a rough patch sometime or the other in their life but for it to come at this time, in this stage of the MBA course is really 'unlucky'. And i'm sayin unlucky not cuz i cant fit a better word; nor is it to make him feel better, but bcuz that is what it is.

As far as i remember, this guy was among the few that knew wat he wanted from the very beginning. While people sifted thru the various specializations wondering what and where they wud land up, he held firm. Despite that being in a situation such as this.. what else wud you call it?

But the amazing thing is that he's held firm. While a lotta people (and i really mean lots) wud have broken to shreads, this guy held held strong. He may term it as apathy and ofcourse u'll say he has to.. but how practical are we wen under pressure??

Well 'paapi'... all i gotta say is keep the faith and this freak show'll end soon...


Unknown said...

hey... these words dont suit u... the anu i kno is ofcourse not this.. these words of urs just nothin but worried me... guess if i wud hav been thr i wud hav cum n hugged u(jaadu ki zhappi) n things wud hav been out of ur mind.. nonetheless i feel keep it strong n believe in my belief tht somethin gud is just arnd the corner.. i kno these r not just soothin words but they right from my heart.. pls dont hesitate to spk to me if u feel so..
keep it goin strong just the ANU WAY.....

Namita said...

"..if something can go wrong, it will." So here i am...stuck in the worst lean patch of my life.


I did not like the sound of that...

Anu said...

well sweetheart,

neither did i! but thats the truth. can i help it?

Clueless said...

hey, some of the great men are made of out sticking to their convictions, and surviving through the b**** called life.

There are many people sailing in the same boat.. but only you had the courage to expresses it!!

now thats the difference.. :)

Anu said...

Hey Shrutika,

Thnx for the motivational thought.
just dont know when i'l lose it.
lets c wat happens.

Akshay said...

chillax!! many people doin their summers are as freaked out bout doin nuthin while on the job!! Thatd be even more freakier (if smthn like that exists!!)
So, peace out, enjoy the time out while ya still can..:)

Aarti Ramanan said...

hey Anu,

Just happened to read ur post. u seem to be too emotional. I guess, everyone would be in that situation.

I guess that's what happens to all Finance ppl at Welingkar's!

I too would be going through the same state of affairs, I presume. Also considering the fact that I too, like you am holding on to Finance! Not willing to compromise...

In fact, all of us, Finance juniors here are already getting tensed now. It's all part of college life... So no worries :)

All the very best for Your main placements. Looking forward to reading a much more joyful post post-placements. Keep your pen moving...

All the very best!!!

adhishg said...

hey amazing blog and though provoking post...
liked it..
keep up the work