Saturday, July 28, 2007


My wait for summers was finally over. Spent about a month & a half with a KPO. While in office, i was so damn bored, that i took to writing. 3 poems!!!
I was satisfied with my feeble effort.
Thats not the focus of this post though.

Back to college n it feels great. or so i thought...
The final years of formal education. This would ideally mean that people studying here would be mature enough. I was too naive. "History repeats" is an oft-heard phrase. I'm living to experience it...unfortunately.

A normal case...a very good friendship between a boy n a girl. People dont like this (to think i'd see this in Mumbai!!!). That's the beginning of the end. Things turn awry...everything's merely a formality now. F*** ! y the hell can't people have a mind of their own? More importantly, y is it that i'm the only victim of this stupidity?

Guess its a sign from above...time to move on...or move out mayb. Freaks me out...Am i meant to compromise all the time?