Sunday, May 20, 2007

Freaky Ordeal

This part of my life is called "waiting in anxiousness". 1st year's done. Supposed to be doin a 2 month summer internship. Only that i havnt found any project yet. How good or bad can that be?

Well...enjoying a break...a much welcome one at that. But the break is getting onto me now. Cant wait to get in there & start with somethin'.

Whats more harrowing is that i'm the only 1 left in class. And that's no great feelin'. How did i end up like this? This wasnt really the path i'd forseen. Sometimes i wonder...was i being too choosy about the projects that came to college in the early days? Maybe so...but i didn't see any harm then n i dont see any harm now. I was clear even before i'd joined college that i wanted to take up finance as my specialization. Now that was a conscious decision. Just not able to figure out what went wrong.

Been on the lookout for over a month now. Came home for a week to meet a few people here for the same. Nuthin has materialized yet. So what do i do...i enjoy my time with my friends. Got cousins visiting, catching up with good old friends. People would actually think i'm on a holiday. But heck they wouldnt know the ordeal that i'm goin thru. It's freakin' me out. Spoke to a lotta people of repute. But as Murphy puts it, "..if something can go wrong, it will." So here i am...stuck in the worst lean patch of my life.

A few of my friends are there who keep me goin'. Coupla them are just as bothered as i am. It's all about hangin' in there. About not getting mind f***ed.

This part of my life is called ...